Friday, January 4, 2013


This is my first link up with the group. I am so excited and I hope that I can keep on top of this. I am getting ready to leave in the morning for the winter. I will be spending some time in Las Vegas. So I have not been able to start my Goddess. The fabric is packed. But my goal is to start her as soon as I get settled. So I started quilting this quilt before Christmas, and of course the holidays slowed me down. This quilt will be waiting for me in the spring when I return to Alaska.

I am really have a hard time figuring out how to do this blog thing. So when I linked to the FMQ Friday post and you click on my name it sent you to the wrong post. I sure hope this works and if any of you can help me figure all this out that would be so cool. LOL

Since I have not been able to figure out how to grab a button for my blog page I have put the link   below to get back to Leah's page.
So you can click on it and it will take you back to her.


  1. I love your snowflake- it reminds me of a Celtic knot. Would love to see a close-up/detail view of it sometime. When you do the FMQ post, you need to copy the URL of the page from your blog that you want to link to (the URL is the website address)... not just, but the whole thing for the particular post: Then, paste this into the spot that asks for URL. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    1. Christine, will this change every week and do you know how to grab a button?

  2. Thank you Christina. Hopefully next week will be easier.

  3. Hi, have just signed up to follow your blog, have enjoyed the read so far. Love the Celtic knot and the older posts - Glad you started the quilt journey - keep posting so we can read about what you've created.

  4. Don't worry, soon you'll be a professional blogger :)
    Your FMQ looks great.

  5. Beautiful quilting, wish I was that good!
    When you go to Leah's post there's code under the button. You can copy and paste that into your blog sidebar by copying it into the HTML-Java script block. You can find that when you go to Blogger and click on the arrow next to where you write a new post. Click Layout and then Add a gadget... Hope this helps! ♥

  6. Yeh! I see the FMQ button. :-)

  7. This looks amazing! I'm sure that it's waiting impatiently for you to get back.
