Saturday, April 20, 2013

FMQ Friday

Its time to link up again to Leah Day's FMQ Friday. I have missed a few Fridays. It is not that I am not quilting its just trying to remember to take more pictures. I have also been busy trying to decide what projects to take back to Alaska with me. I have a 5 day retreat when I get there and I want to make sure I have all my projects together.  My husband always shakes his head and laughs at me. I don't pack clothes I go back with a duffel bag of quilting items.

I have been trying to get the hair on Express Your Love done before I leave. Well I did, sort of. I have really been good about not ripping out any of my quilting. But after going back and rereading what Leah said about not liking hers I found a place on mine that I just could not live with.

My eye was being drawn to the top strand of her hair. That bottom fill in under the feather was really driving me crazy. So I had to take some of it out. Rip, Rip, Rip. But a more positive way to look at it would be "Redesign."

                                                                Much happier now

So on to her body. I have given this a lot of thought. I am going to remove her eye and keep her dark. Her lip may also come out.  I am now having to decide on the thread color. It will either be black or if you look closely you will see a thread sample of pewter at the bottom.  Can't decide.

I also finished quilting my Falling Leaves quilt this month. I am going to enter this one in our Guild quilt show this month here in Las Vegas.



  1. WOW! Your Godess is so beautiful! I also think about how to quilt the body. My whole cloth is red, so I have a little headaches about it...

    1. Thank you Ratama, I too have had headaches about her, I think I dream about her. LOL

  2. Wow! your express your love quilt looks amazing. Love the quilting you did on the hair.

    Falling leaves quilt is beautiful too!

  3. The Express Your Love Quilt looks awesome! I love how you quilted the hair. I would go with the black thread. It isn't easy to photograph black on black, but I think it will look amazing in person. I'm sure it will look great which ever you choose:)

    1. Thank you Danih03, I did decide to do her body in black. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. Colorful and dramatic goddess! I like your idea to keep her as a silhouette. I used dark colors for my background, so I need to bring her to the foreground on mine.

    1. Yes I am happy about my choice to keep her a silhouette. Thank you Karen for the positive comments.

  5. The combination of flying geese and feathers works beautifully in the hair.

    If the choice is between pewter and black for the body, I would stick with black. I suspect the pewter would be too tight a contrast to easily distinguish between the hair and the body. With black it will be very clear where the body ends and the hair begins.

    1. Thank you Gwyned, I agree and have started her body.
