Sunday, January 27, 2013

Express Your Love

Express Your Love

I have been away from my quilting for a few days. Went to the Road to California Quilt show in Ontario, CA. Wow the quilts were fabulous and I came home with some new paints that I am anxious to try on my quilt, fabric, thread and a new quilting machine. I won't have that for a few weeks and I am so tempted to wait until it comes to work on her. But I think that will get me to far behind so I will just press on. LOL

Here is where I am on my Goddess

I painted the water on the Earth using the Jaquard paint it went on without any trouble. I was not to fond of the stiffness after it dried. So I am hoping that the new paint I pick up at the quilt show will work better for me in her hair.  I do like how the Ocean Current quilting came out.  I have decided not to paint the green, but I picked up some new thread and hope to add one more color of green to the land.

I didn't want to add any more words to her so my remaining ribbons will be filled in with micro stippling. I outlined the edges with a tight satin stitch and used a purple thread. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Affirmation Goddess Quilt

I now have a good start on my Goddess. I picked the affirmations that I wanted to use and still have a few more to put on. But I am very pleased with the progress so far. I not sure if I will fill all of the ribbons with words, or phrases yet. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013

I finally stated Leah's wonderful Express Your Love Goddess quilt. I have her traced and the outline stitching half done.  Over the past few days I have been thinking about the words I would like to add to her. I do know that at the top of my list is "I am enough".  I was not sure if calling it an affirmation quilt would work so I looked up the definition and found two that seemed to fit

l. Noun: A statement asserting the existence or the truth of something
2. Noun: The act of affirming or asserting or stating something

Here is the rest of my possible words, or statements
l. Intentionally seeking good
2. Breathe
3. That was then, this is now, breathe
4. As you think, so you are (Buddha)
5. Open heart, open mind
6. Open up your mind
7. Life is fluid, things change


Friday, January 4, 2013


This is my first link up with the group. I am so excited and I hope that I can keep on top of this. I am getting ready to leave in the morning for the winter. I will be spending some time in Las Vegas. So I have not been able to start my Goddess. The fabric is packed. But my goal is to start her as soon as I get settled. So I started quilting this quilt before Christmas, and of course the holidays slowed me down. This quilt will be waiting for me in the spring when I return to Alaska.

I am really have a hard time figuring out how to do this blog thing. So when I linked to the FMQ Friday post and you click on my name it sent you to the wrong post. I sure hope this works and if any of you can help me figure all this out that would be so cool. LOL

Since I have not been able to figure out how to grab a button for my blog page I have put the link   below to get back to Leah's page.
So you can click on it and it will take you back to her.

Every wonder what all those strange nonsense letters stand for?   I came across this and some I added. As I hear or come across more I will add them.  I thought it would be fun to post on my blog. Please share, and if you know of any that I don't have please leave a comment.

Acronyms used by quilters
  • BOM = Block of the Month
  • BOW = Black on White
  • DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine
  • FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
  • FOB = Fear of Binding
  • FQ = Fat Quarter
  • HST = Half-Square Triangle
  • HSY = Havent started yet
  • LA = Longarmer
  • LAQ= Long Arm Quilter
  • LQS = Local Quilt Shop
  • MAQ = Mid-Arm Quilter
  • OBW = One Block Wonder
  • PhD = Projects half Done
  • PIGS = Projects in Grocery Sacks
  • PIMPs = Projects I-Mis-Place
  • PP = Paper Piecing
  • QAYG = Quilt As You Go
  • QST = Quarter Square Triangle
  • RR = Round Robin
  • SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
  • SEX = Stash Enhancing eXperience (or eXcursion)
  • SID = Stitch In the Ditch
  • SnW = Stack and Whack = pile up and cut all at once block pattern
  • Squishy=Envelopes filled with swap fabric or gifts sent/received in the mail
  • STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
  • TGIF = Thank God It's Finished!
  • TOT = Tone-on-Tone
  • UFO = UnFinshed Object
  • VIP = Very Important Project
  • WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
  • WIP = Work In Progress
  • WISP = Work In Slow Progress
  • WWIT = What Was I Thinking
  • WOF = Width of Fabric
  • WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
  • WOW = White On White